Commercial Sales

Industry Problems

TI Expert | Neolytica | KOL Management
Pharmaceutical sales representatives are facing huge challenges to access physicians and HCPs
TI Expert | Neolytica | KOL Management
Targeting HCPs just based on Rx rather than their influence and network
TI Expert | Neolytica | KOL Management

Engage “No-see” physician

TI Expert | Neolytica | KOL Management

Optimize territory alignment

TI Expert | Neolytica | KOL Management

Sample allocation and Call planning

Neolytica works towards empowering you at your commercial sales efforts and helps you build and develop the best strategies for commercial success in the changing environment of commercial Sales. Analyze the Rx data and referral pattern to leverage results in approaching the HCPs.
Commercial Marketing Analytics For Healthcare | Neolytica.AI

Enhance your targeting strategy

  • Tailor a completely new TARGET list with high ROI.
  • Identify the most high-value, impactful leaders and their networks by analyzing referral, prescriptions and patient journey.
Commercial Marketing Analytics For Healthcare | Neolytica.AI

Early adopters and behavioral analysis

  • Discover new “Early Adopters” within the disease state of interest by examining practice activity data.
  • Treatment Behavior Trend: Study the prescription and behavioral pattern for impactful sales strategy.
Commercial Marketing Analytics For Healthcare | Neolytica.AI

Understand the role of different specialist in the specific Therapeutic Area

  • Analyze the patient journey and referral flow to determine the role of different specialist in the treatment regime and identify local HCPs.
Commercial Marketing Analytics For Healthcare | Neolytica.AI

Set and Track KPIs for field Team

  • Set measurable metrics for the sales team and optimize field efforts by tracking them against predetermined standards.
Commercial Marketing Analytics For Healthcare | Neolytica.AI

Sample ROI by optimizing allocation

  • Maximize the return on your marketing investments by determining which HCPs to target and how to dynamically allocate sampling for best results.

Increasing Scientific Share of Voice

  • Customized database to create the entire project on client’s specific topics to measure the reach of clients’ Share of Scientific Voice (SoSV), to amplify the reach of their scientific messages.
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